Monday, 10 October 2016
പരിഹസിക്കുന്നവരുടെ മുന്നില് ഒരു heroism status for watsapp
💜💜പരിഹസിക്കുന്നവരുടെ മുന്നില് ഒരു ചലഞ്ച് പോലെ ജീവിച്ചു കാണീക്കുക.....അതാണ് നല്ലത് ....അല്ലാതെ പറയാന് നിന്നാല് അതെ സമയം ഉള്ളു,,,,,,,😊😊👍
കൊഴിയാൻ നേരം ഇല മരത്തോടു creative status for watsapp
കൊഴിയാൻ നേരം ഇല മരത്തോടു പറഞ്ഞു നീ കാത്തിരിക്കണം മണ്ണിൽ അലിഞ്ഞു വളമായി ഒരിക്കൽ ഞാൻ നിന്റെ ചില്ലയിൽ തളിർക്കും വരെ
:-( :-(
സ്നേഹിച്ചു കൊണ്ട് അഭിനയിക്കുന്നവരാണ് creative thinking status for watsapp
കൊണ്ട് അഭിനയിക്കുന്നവരാണ് എനിക്ക് ചുറ്റും ഉള്ളതെന്ന് അറിഞ്ഞു തന്നെയാ ചിരിച്ചു കൊണ്ട് ഒന്നും അറിയാത്തവനെ പോലെ പോവുന്നത്
കിട്ടില്ല എന്നറിഞ്ഞിട്ടും പിന്നെയും love status for watsapp
കിട്ടില്ല എന്നറിഞ്ഞിട്ടും പിന്നെയും അവളെ പ്രണയിക്കുന്നതിലൊരു സുഖമുണ്ട്. മുറ്റത്തെ വെള്ളക്കെട്ടില് തെളിഞ്ഞ അമ്പിളിമാമനെ കോരിയെടുക്കാന് ശ്രമ
നീ സ്നേഹിക്കുന്ന പെണ്ണ് നിന്നെ സ്നേഹിച്ചില്ലെങ്കിൽ miss you status for watsapp
നീ സ്നേഹിക്കുന്ന പെണ്ണ്
നിന്നെ സ്നേഹിച്ചില്ലെങ്കിൽ
നീ കരയരുത്........ 😢 😢 😢
കാരണം അത് നിനക്കായി കാത്തിരിക്കുന്ന
പെണ്ണിന്റെ പ്രാർത്ഥനയാണ് 😘 😘 😘
അഞ്ച് തിരിയിട്ട വിളക്ക് കയ്യിൽ പിടിച്ച് creative thinking status for watsapp
അഞ്ച് തിരിയിട്ട വിളക്ക് കയ്യിൽ പിടിച്ച് വലത് കാൽ വെച്ച് കയറണം.....!
നിന്റെ വീടിന്റെ ഉമ്മറപ്പടിയിലല്ല.....!
എന്റെ മനസ്സിന്റെ പടിപ്പുരയിൽ......! ............ Z#⃣💟🔰
ഇന്ന് നിന്നെ നോക്കാതെ ഞാൻ sad love status for watsapp
ഇന്ന് നിന്നെ നോക്കാതെ ഞാൻ
നടന്നകന്നപ്പോള് നീ വേദനിച്ചുവെങ്കിൽ ...
ഈ പ്രണയത്തിനായി കാത്തിരുന്ന
ദിനങ്ങളിൽ ഞാൻ എത്ര
മാത്രം വേദനിച്ചിരിക്കും.. 🐠 .... Z#⃣💟🔰
_മോഹബ്ബത്തതെന്ന് പറയണത് ഒര്_ love status for watsapp l
_മോഹബ്ബത്തതെന്ന് പറയണത് ഒര്_ _നസീബതാണ്........._
_അത് ഖൽബറിഞ് ഒരാൾ തരാനും ......_
_അത് നെഞ്ചോട് ചേർത് സ്വികരിക്കാനും_
_അതിനൊക്കെ_ _ഒരു ഭാഗ്യവും വേണം .......................... Z#⃣💟🔰
ഞാന് സഞ്ചരിച്ച വഴികളില് എനിക്ക് love status for watsapp
ഞാന് സഞ്ചരിച്ച വഴികളില് എനിക്ക് സ്നേഹം നല്കിയവരെ ഞാന് ഒരിക്കലും വഞ്ചിച്ചിട്ടില്ല അവര് ഇന്നും എന്റെ മനസ്സില് മായാതെ നില്ക്കുന്നു.....💟
അലങ്കാര താരകമായി നീ love status for watsapp
അനശ്വരമാം പ്രണയത്തിൻ
അനുഭൂതിയാം ജീവനിൽ
അലങ്കാര താരകമായി നീ
ആത്മാവിലെന്നും നിറയുന്ന
അതുല്യ സ്നേഹം നീയെൻ
അനുരാഗമേ പ്രിയ സഖീ
100 + April Fool Best Pranks Status in English for watsapp and fb

1. “I am your girlfriend: Smart, Intelligent, Sweet, Talented, Excellent, Romantic? In short I am your S.I.S.T.E.R.”
Happy April Fools Day!
2. “You can fool all the people some of the time, and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time.”
Happy April Fools Day!
3. “Hey you know Which is the best day to propose a girl. April 1 you know Why? If she accept its your luck. otherwise just tell April Fool.”
4. “April 1st This is the day upon which we are reminded of what we are on the other three hundred and sixty-four.”
5. “I don’t think I’ll worry about any April fool’s Day pranks, I’ll be too upset that it’s Monday.”
6. “ I knew all that hard work at the gym would pay off -- my size 2 jeans fit again! -- (Be prepared to gain some haters with that one.”
7. “A fool may be known by six things: anger without cause; speech without profit; change without progress; inquiry without object; putting trust in a stranger; and mistaking foes for friends.”
8. “Ahhh! Did anyone else get the email about them canceling school next week?"”
9. “April Fool is a very special day because you can lie as much as you can. Every prank is heartily accepted & no complaint shall ever be made!”
Happy April Fools' Day!
10. “The cat's out of the bag -- I was one of the Mega Millions jackpot winners. And no, I'm not sharing.”
11. “When you want to fool the world, tell the truth.”
12. “It is better to keep your mouth closed and let people think you are a fool than to open it and remove all doubt.”
13. “April 24 for Sachin. July 01 for Lady Diana. July 16 for Katrina Kaif. October 11 for Amitabh. April 01 only for you! Enjoy the day!”
14. “You can fool some of the people all the time, and those are the ones you want to concentrate on.”
15. “Since I’ve met you, I’ve noticed that a friend like you is a million dollars. So if you do not mind. Can I sell.”
16. “Just close your eyes and think of yourself for 10 seconds. Open your eyes. Now you will realize that U have wasted 10 seconds thinking of a fool.”
Happy All Fools' Day!
17. “Please open this message on the 1st of next month. I know Y can't wait so accept my conrats for being teh first fool of this year.”
Happy All Fools' Day!
18. “Everything has a day, Every dog has a day, Every festival has a day, Every fool too, has a day! Hope you are enjoying yours!”
Happy 1st April Fool!
19. “Yes, it's true. We're packing up and moving back to (Insert previous state name here). We'll miss everyone so much!”
20. “If today someone compliments you for your: Nature, Smartness, Eloquence, Intelligence, Pl give a hard slap to that person. He has no right to fool you be for April 1st.”

21. “A mother takes twenty years to make a man of her boy, and another woman makes a fool of him in twenty minutes.”
22. “Love is blind. I agreed that love is blind, Because when I kiss you My eyes automatically got closed”
23. “Sorry peeps, but I've had it with Facebook. I'm shutting my account off for good at the end of the day.”
24. “Don’t approach a goat from the front, a horse from the back, or a fool from any side.”
25. “A recent study has shown that Fools use your thumb while reading SMS. Now it is too late, Not try to change her finger! Try taking some other fool!”
26. “OMG. I can't believe I'm getting my own reality show.”
27. “Suppose the world were only one of God’s jokes, would you work any the less to make it a good joke instead of a bad one?”
28. “Earth may stop rotating Birds may stop flying Candles may stop melting And hearts may stop beating. But your brain will never start working. 'April Fool Day' was meant just for people like you!”
29. “What is the difference between a wise & a fool? A wise sends SMS & a fool keeps reading them. How many times have U read my messages? ”
Happy April Fool!
30. “Men would not live long in society, were they not the mutual dupes of each other.”
31. “A wise man can learn more from a foolish question than a fool can learn from a wise answer.”
32. “I believe you still think it’s March, so I am sure you won’t pull any April fool’s Day pranks on me.”
33. “God made daylight & it's called Sun, God made entertainment & it's called Fun, God made nightlight & it's called Moon, God made you and it's called Cartoon.”
Happy April Fool!
34. “You can always tell a real friend: when you've made a fool of yourself he doesn't feel you've done a permanent job.”
35. “New year, new fools. But how can we ignore the old fools like you. It is a highlight for you now. Have a special day rocking!”
36. “You should know that on April fool’s Day my natural mistrust of others will go up to a level nearly the psychosis.”
37. “Who is the smartest fool? You. In any case, You still are a fool. Happy "All Fools' day”
38. “A Fool is a Fool, whether it is January or February. But the ones who March into April make the best Fools. May U remain the same Fool in June & July so that yr August presence in September, October, November & December dawns a new great New Year!”
39. “There will come a day. When everybody will, CELEBRATE: Your Name, Your Fame, Your Personality, Your Thoughts, Your Views. But keep in mind fool comes once a year..”
40. “If people say your silly, be patient. If they say your monkey, relax. If they say your stupid, be cool But if they say your cool, awesome. slap that ass hole, your not born to listen his jokes.”
Happy April Fool!

42. “What is common B/W fools and smart persons? Smart compose the message for fools to circulate.
Happy April Fool! ”
43. “Men reach their sexual peak at eighteen. Women reach theirs at thirty-five. Do you get the feeling that God is playing a practical joke?”
44. “Long time ago, only fools used to read my sms, and today the history continues.”
Happy All Fools' Day!
45. “Way are you not an April fool? Because you believe in the equality of all months. In any case, enjoy yr day bcoz everyday is yr day.”
46. “Dear Ms. BeautiFool, You are so wonderFool, GraceFool, PlayFool, PowerFool and faithFool. Earlier you were really RespectFool & had a colorFool nature. But off late, You have been PainFool and not so PeaceFool. I wish you were CareFool & HelpFool. Love April Fool”
47. “The world is full of fools; and he who would not wish to see one, must not only shut himself up alone, but must also break his looking-glass.”
48. “Just a friendly reminder on the innocent – Relationships are precious, not hurt them by deceiving
and lying on first April / Innocents.”
49. “Dear Friend,
I am surprised at your wit, your intellect, your wisdom and your knowledge. But more importantly, I am surprised at my false praise of you!”
Happy All Fools' day!
50. “Hey you know which is the best day to propose a girl! Its APRIL 1ST! If she accepts its your luck and otherwise just Say April Fool!”
51. “New financial year, new fools. But how can we ignore the old fools like you. It's a crowning moment for you. Have a rocking special day! ”
52. “This year’s biggest April Fools joke is brought to you by Mother Nature. “Here’s some warm weather, April Fools.”
53. “I find you wise, sharp, witty, handsome, intelligent, logical and knowledgeable all through the year - but with the exception of just one day i.e., April 01. One this day, you're a perfect fool!”
54. “Today, tomorrow and always will be one heart That there would always beat for you. You know that ? His own Stupid.”
55. “If people talk about your beauty, your power, your wisdom or your smartness, then just give them a tight slap. How dare they Fool you in advance!”
Happy April Fool!
56. “Believes there is a very big difference between fooling someone, and making a fool of someone... choose wisely today”
57. “Today’s Thought: No Human Being can touch the lower lip with his tongue. ”
58. “This is not SMS, it's just an April Fool Trick, Place a bottle of liquid dish soap into the toilet tank. The next person to flush the toilet will be greeted, with an overwhelming amount of bubbles.”
59. “Change Your Birthday to April 1. So that every one wish you as a fool and before going to sleep tell that they are the actual fools.”
60. “What if April fools day doesn't really exist and its just the longest prank in history?”

62. “Not every Flower can represent Love but Rose did Not every Tree can bear Thirst but Cactus did Not every Fool can enjoy this SMS but u just did Happy April Fools' day!”
63. “A: You are Attractive, B: You are Bright, C: You are Chic, D: You are Delightful, E: You are Extra-ordinary, F: You are Fantastic, G: You are Gracious, H: You are Hygienic, I: I am, J: Just Joking”
Happy All Fools' Day!
64. “The first of April, some do say Is set apart for All Fool’s Day, But why the people call it so Nor I, nor they themselves, do know, But on this day are people sent On purpose for pure merriment.”
Happy April Fools Day!
65. “If you don’t want to see an April Fool on April 1st, just break down all mirrors on your house on march 31.”
66. “Relationships are precious, do not hurt them by fooling and lying on first April.”
67. “Everything is funny as long as it is happening to somebody else.”
68. “You are equal to 60 James Bond! How? 007 x 60 = 420”
Happy April Fool!
69. “I may forget to wish you on Holi, Diwali or even New Year's day. But I am very thankful to God that I remember and wish you on a very special day meant for people like you.”
Happy April Fool!
70. “April Fool is a very special day because you can lie as much as you can. Every prank is heartily accepted & no complaint shall ever be made!”
71. “If anyone praises you today for your: Good looks, Nature, Style or Attitude, just kick them off.
How dare they fool you before April 1st!”
72. “Fact 1: You can not touch your lower lip with your tongue. Fact 2: After reading this, 99/100 idiots would try it.”
Happy April Fools' Day!
73. “Place a bottle of liquid dish soap into the toilet tank. The next person to flush the toilet will be greeted with an overwhelming amount of bubbles.”
74. “What is the difference between a wise & a fool? A wise sends SMS & a fool keeps reading them. How many times have you read my messages?”
Happy April Fool!
75. “In your life, when you wake up & don’t see any one, then come to me, I’ll be there to hold your hand & take you to the EYE SPECIALIST!”

Happy All Fools' Day!
78. “Research has proved that all fools use their THUMB while scrolling an SMS. Now it's too late. Don't try to use a finger. Catch another fool!”
Happy April Fools' Day!
79. “Everyday is a reminder of something or someone very special. This is one of those days when I am thinking of you and missing you. If you were here, I would have really had a gala time by making a fool of you.”
Happy April Fool!
80. “Some things are made for each other. For example: Shoe & Socks Soap & Water Paper & Pen I & your girlfriend. ”
Happy April Fool!
81. “Just letting you all know I'm getting married on the 1st of April and you're all invited!”
82. “You can always tell a real friend: when you've made a fool of yourself he doesn't feel you've done a permanent job. :-)”
83. “Why don't you not believe in an April fool? I know it. Because you were not born in April! But never mind, a fool can be born in any month. Enjoy the moment. It's simply meant for you!”
84. “If I make a fool of myself, who cares? I'm not frightened by anyone's perception of me.”
85. “Last night, I got a severe headache. I went to a doctor. He said that it would be cured if I send an SMS to a lunatic. You were the 1st to come to my mind.”
Happy All Fools' Day!
86. “A common mistake that people make when trying to design something completely foolproof is to underestimate the ingenuity of complete fools.”
87. “Who's the smart Alec in town? "I". You are simply the smartest. Fool.”
Happy April Fool!
88. “Last night, some monkeys came running to my room. They wanted to trouble good people so I suggested your name. They said, "Oh No, we can't disturb our boss.”
Happy April Fool!
89. “31st March Or 1st April fool is Fool doesn't matter. Wishing very happy, prosperous and joyful Fool Day to the King of Fools.”
90. “April Fools gone past, and your the biggest fool at last. 28. Today is April Fools Day. Believe nothing, and trust no one... So it's like any other day. Right!”

You are a 1st Fool of 2016.”
April Fool in Advance!
92. “I hope life isn't a big joke, because I don't get it.”
93. “I am a fool, I am a fool, I am a fool, ok ok Cool, I agree you, are a fool. Now Control yourself.
April fool wishes to the cutest fool!”
94. “You are a very CUTE person. Just a second, don't misunderstand.
CUTE means: Creating Useless Troubles Everywhere.”
Happy All Fools' Day!
95. “It is better to keep your mouth closed and let people think you are a fool than to open it and remove all doubt.”
96. “Never risk your heart to a fool, for if you do you will surely become one.”
97. “Really Truly Hardly Impossible to make you fool, Because you are Fool Proof!”
98. “You can always tell a real friend: when you’ve made a fool of yourself he doesn’t feel you’ve done a permanent job.”
99. “A day will come when the world will celebrate your name, your fame, your personality and your views. But April Fool comes once in a year and that your day.”
100. “If I make a fool of myself, who cares? I'm not frightened by anyone's perception of me.”
100+ best Eid Mubarak Quotes Status in English | Eid Mubarak Wishes Messages for watsapp
2. “Being with you makes me very moment of mine a celebration. Eid Mubarak!”
3. “My blessing, congratulations and good wishes. I wish you the best of everything for not only in Eid-ul-Fitr but also all the years ahead. Eid Mubarak!”
4. “Wishing you happy Eid, soft as silk, white as milk, sweet as honey, full of money and bubbly as you.”
5. “When my arms can't reach people close to my heart. I always hug them with my prayers. May Allah peace be with you. Eid Mubarak!”
6. “May the blessings of Allah keep your heart and home happy and joyous. Eid Mubarak!”
7. “Wishing you a successful life with contentment and peace. Eid Mubarak!”
8. “Look outside it's so pleasant. Sun smiling for you trees dancing for you birds singing for you, because i requested them all to wish you. Eid Mubarak!”
9. “The best of all gift around any Eid is the presence of a happy family all wrapped up in each other. Eid Mubarak!”
10. “Today i pray that: Happiness be at your door may it knock early stay late and leave the gift of Allah's peace, love, joy and good health behind Shaban Mubarak, Eid Mubarak, Ramadan Mubarak, may you remain happy all the time Irrespective of any occasion.”
11. “It's more than a wish and a message. Eid Mubarak to You! Have a Awesome Day!”
12. “Eid is a wonderful and nice day to Pray, Care, Love, Smile and Celebrate with one another and to thank Allah for giving us this wonderful day. Eid Mubarak!”
3. “May the superior blessings of Allah fill your life with joy and prosperity.Eid Mubarak!”
14. “Chand Raat Mubarak may Allah bless you more in this night & always. Eid Mubarak!”
15. “Eid Mubarak to you and your family, remember me in your Duas...”
16. “May God send his Love like Sunshine in his warm and gentle ways to fill every corner of your heart and filled your Life with a lot of happiness like this Eid day. Wishing you Eid Mubarak!”
17. “On this holy and joyous occasion, may the blessings of almighty Allah come down and rest upon your shoulders and upon those whom you love and treasure and may you enjoy a very happy Eid this year and in the years to come. Eid Mubarak!”
18. “May Allah this occasion flood your life with happiness your heart with love your soul with spiritual your mind with wisdom wishing you a very Happy Eid Mubarak!”
19. “I wish you a life full of smiles and happiness. Eid Mubarak!”
20. “No shadows to depress you. Only joys to surround you. Allah himself to bless you. These are my wishes for you. Today tomorrow and every day… Eid Mubarak!”
21. “May the choicest blessing of Allah fill your life with joy and prosperity. Eid Mubarak!”
22. “Sending you warm wishes on "Eid-ul-Fitr" and wishing that, it brings your way ever joys and happiness. Remember me in your prayers. Eid Mubarak!”
23. “May you find success in all your endeavors, May Allah blessings be always with you..'Eid Mubarak'!”
24. “Together with friends… Full of warmth and fun… Here’s wishing your Eid celebration is truly a special one! Eid Mubarak!”
25. “Troubles as light as Air. Love as deep as Ocean. Friends as Solid as Diamonds and Success as bright as Gold… These are the wishes for you and your family on the eve of Eid. Happy Eid Mubarak!”
26. “Before the Golden Sun Rise, let me decorate each of the Rays with Wishes of Success, prosperous and Happiness for you and your Family Eid Day brought. Blessings of God. In the form of Spiritual happiness. To you and your family and for your Friends. Eid Mubarak!”
27. “Wish you a Happy Eid and may this festival bring abundant joy and happiness in your life!”
28. “May you be guided by your faith in Allah & shine in his divine blessings. Eid Mubarak!”
29. “May the blessings of Allah fill your life with happiness and open all the doors of success now and always. Eid Mubarak!”
30. “
After 1 day
After 24 hours
After 1440 min
After 86400 sec
Everyone will send you this message but I'm the 1st telling you Eid Mubarak!”
31. “Accept my deep heart prayers for you successful life on this day of Eid. Wish you a Happy Eid Mubarak!”
32. “Something in your smile speak to me. Something in your voice sings to me. Something in your eyes says to me. That you are the dearest friend to me... Eid Mubarak!”
33. “Have a Happy Eid Day! I hope you get lots of fun! Spend time with your loved ones. Eid Mubarak!”
34. “All the loving wishes for you today to bring much happiness your way. Eid Greetings!”
35. “Eid days are meant to celebrate the goals and the achievements that make you happiest. The ideals you believe in, the dream you love the best. Eid Mubarak!”
36. “May Allah bless you on this auspicious day of Eid and may it be a new beginning of greater prosperity success and happiness. Wish you a Happy Eid Mubarak!”
37. “On Eid-ul-Fitr, wish that Allah’s blessings light up the path and lead to happiness, Peace and success. Happy Eid!”
38. “May Allah bring you joy, happiness, peace and prosperity on this blessed occasion. Wishing you and your family on this happy occasion of Eid! Eid Mubarak!”
39. “May beautiful flowers keep you in smiling frame of happiness on Eid Day!”
40. “Do you know the Meaning of Eid? I think it means “ENJOY in Duniya!” So, your life all moments bring Eid for you… Wish You Eid Mubarak!”
41. “Whenever Eid comes, it brings a lot of happiness and memories with it. I wish these memories be the more precious ones for you. Happy Eid All of You!”
42. “Eid Spreads the message of Brotherhood and Togetherness. May Allah bless you and bring happiness in Life. Eid wishes to you and your Family!”
43. “I wish a wish for you. The wish I wish for few. The wish I wish for you is that your all wishes come true so keep on wishing as my all wishes are with you. Eid Mubarak!”
44. “Here comes the day, once in a blue moon. With chanda mama shining up bright and blessing everyone… Its love so tender, merciful. Shining down on the earth wishing us. EID MUBARAK!”
45. “Wish we could share this great occasion 'Warm memories have a lovely way of bringing folks together.' Although Eid finds us spending time apart, You're very close in memory and always close in heart. Eid Mubarak”
46. “I wish all of you an extremely euphoric and peaceful Eid. Might Allah acknowledge your great deeds, excuse your transgressions and simplicity the torment of all people groups around the globe. Eid Mubarak!”
47. “Let all your obstacles vanish in just a friction of second. Happy Eid!”
48. “Its more than just an Eid wish, more than a message too. For it comes with warm and loving thoughts because it’s meant for you.”
49. “Earth can forget rotating, Bird can forget flying, Candle can forget melting, Heart can forget beating but I’ll never forget to wish You - Eid Mubarak!”
50. “May the noor of this EID illuminate your heart, mind, soul and may all your prays be answered. Remember me in your prayers. EID MUBARAK!”
51. “Sending warm wishes across the miles, just to let you know how much you are missed on EID day!”
52. “Like the color of silver in the night sky, the new moon rises, the holy month has past, the fasting is over, tomorrow is the great feast of Eid-ul-Azha. EID MUBARAK!”
53. “With all the love an sms can hold and happy wishes too... This comes to say! May this Eid day be wonderful for you. Eid Mubarak!”
54. “May God give you happiness of heaven above. Happy Eid!”
55. “May Allah flood your life With happiness on this occasion. Happy Eid!”
56. “We wish that the eid day will be the Happiest day of your Life. I Fulfill your Life with Happiness and joy. Happy Eid Mubarak to All!”
57. “After congregational Eid prayer sentiment reciprocated with deep sense of gratitude and manifestation. Eid Mubarak!”
58. “I wish you the gift of faith, the blessing of hope and the peace of his love at Eid and always.”
59. “On the canvas of life we often go off color, but as long as people like you are there to add the right shades, life goes on to be a rainbow! Eid Mubarak”
60. “May on this EID the plate of your life is filled with juicy Kababs & Tikkas topped with Chatni of happiness and covered with Salad of love!”
61. “Eid is the holy festival to rejoice. Let everybody enjoy and enjoy yourself too. Eid Mubarak!”
62. “May your plate of life be always full of sweet Siwaiyan topped with the nuts of happiness. with best Eid wishes. May you have a happy Eid!”
63. “May Allah flood your life with happiness on this occasion, your heart with love, you soul with spiritual, your mind with wisdom, wishing you a very Happy Eid Mubarak!”
64. “Some words can be left unsaid, some feeling can be left unexpressed, but person like you can never be forgotten on this day. Eid Mubarak!”
65. “May the day delight and the moments measure all the special joys for all of you to treasure. May the year ahead be fruitful too, for your home and family and specially for you. Happy Eid Mubarak To You!”
66. “Hope Love & Laughter, warmth & wishes joy and a bouquet of Eid wishes, specially for you! publications become a past of your Eid and your life. Eid Mubarak!”
67. “Can I stay here in you inbox & wait till the end of Ramadan so that I can be the 1st who wish a very sweet and Happy Eid Mubarak!”
68. “As Allah waters HIS Creation, May HE also sprinkle HIS wonders blessings over you and your beloved ones. (Aameen). Eid Mubarak!”
69. “When the sun has set, and day is done. I'll break this chain, but only one. By the end of Ramadan, this whole chain will be all gone! It"s time for Eid and lots of fun!”
70. “May this Eid bring Fun, Happiness, God's Endless Blessings, and fresh love Eid Mubarak to You with all best wishes.”
71. “Of all the days to celebrate this out shines the rest, here is hoping that this Eid is happiest and best!”
72. “You are awarded a bouquet of good deeds, a vase of blessing, a parachute of glad tidings for completing that holy Ramadan. Eid Mubarak!”
73. “May the magic of dis Eid bring lots of happiness in your life & may you celebrate it with all your close friends and may it fill your HEART with love. Eid Mubarak!”
74. “Eid is coming and we are making our full preparations to spend time with you and sharing this beautiful day. Wish you a sweet day. Happy Eid Day!”
75. “When my arms can't reach people close to my heart. I always hug them with my prayers. May Allah's peace be with you. A very happy Eid Mubarak to you.”
76. “Wishing You Blessings at this very special occasion, Wishing you a happy and blessed Eid surrounded by those you love. Eid Mubarak!”
78. “May Allah bless you & your dear ones for happy & prosperous life on Eid UL Fitra & always. Eid Mubarak!”
79. “This is a day which makes us together at one place, creates smiles on all Muslim faces, and increases our love for each other. May we always keep this spirit for each other! Happy Eid day!”
80. “Happy EID-Mubarak to all of you. A wonderful one to help make your Eid friendship and fun light heated moments of bright, happy things warm, happy hours and that this Eid day brings.”
81. “Hope Love and Laughter, warmth, wishes, joy and a bouquet of Eid wishes, jubilation become a part of your Eid and Your Life. Eid Mubarak!”
82. “Many are the wishes that are being sent your way, but the is a special one for a very happy Eid day!”
83. “Before the golden sun rise, let me decorate each of the rays with wishes of success, prosperous and Happiness for you and for your family. Happy Eid Mubarak!”
84. “Hope Love and Laughter, warmth, wishes Joy and a bouquet of Eid wishes, jubilation Became a part of your Eid and Your Life. Eid Mubarak!”
85. “Its more than just an Eid wish, more than a message too. For it comes with warm and loving thoughts because it's meant for you. Eid Mubarak!”
86. “Look outside It's so pleasant! Sun smiling for you, trees dancing for you, birds singing for you, because I requested them All to wish You - Eid Mubarak!”
87. “Lonesome without you, each and every moments. When I'm alone I close my eyes and think of you. Thoughts of your love warms me inside and makes me smile. Miss you a lot. Eid Mubarak!”
88. “Wishing you all a very happy Eid, And hoping that all the things you wish For will be yours through out the year. Happy Eid!”
89. “May the good times and treasures of the present become the golden memories of tomorrow. Wish you lots of love, joy and happiness. Eid Mubarak!”
90. “Wishing You Blessings at this very special occasion, Wishing you a happy and blessed Eid surrounded by those you love. Eid Mubarak!”
91. “When moon of Eid arises it makes all of us so happy and excited. May all of your times be full of such an amusing excitement and happiness. Happy Eid Day!”
92. “The most beautiful phrase on this day which all Muslims utter from their hearts is Eid Mubarak, I also want to have an honor to say it my dear. Happy Eid day and Eid Mubarak!”
93. “Eid is a name of celebration with great fun and entertainment, brings a new sensation of making merry. May our lives be full of such beautiful days. Have a great Eid day!”
94. “With all the roses perfume And with all the lights in the world, And with all the children's smiles. I Wish you a very Happy Eid!”
95. “Eid is an event which provides us an opportunity to sit together, to share our happiness and sorrows, May this great union be always a part of our lives. Happy Eid day and Eid Mubarak!”
96. “Eid is a day to wish and make merry together. May your life be full of such great days! Wish you all splendors of this beautiful Eid day. Eid Mubarak!”
97. “Across the miles at Eid people who are dear to us are never far away, they're always close in thought and heart, the way you are today. Happy Eid Day!”
98. “May the blessings of Allah upon you throughout the your life with happiness and open all the doors of success and happiness for you. Eid Mubarak!”
99. “May you be able to develop your capabilities, may all your weaknesses turn into your strengths. Happy Eid Day.”
100. “You are special, you are unique may your Eid be also as special and unique as you are. Eid Mubarak!”