Sunday 6 November 2016

tips for how to get more traffic to your website or blog.

now we are studying how to get more tarffic in your blog.there are many tricks for getting more tarffic.first we  want a blog with good quality content and also that should be helpful to people.the tricks are given bellow and follow it.

1.comment your your blogspot url in other website or same related website of you.

2.make a facebook page of yor blogspot that helps the people to know people of your website.

3.making a short video about your website topic related that leads to get good traffic.

4.sharing your blog in all social media this will leads to get good traffic your blog.

5.maximu share your website url in watsapp freinds and groups . making short gif video that leads to get more traffic.

7.advertisng your blog in your freinds blog or your other blog.

8.comment your blog url in same related website of you.

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